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  • Online Skin Shop Newsletter October 2023

    26 October 2023

    In anti-ageing, we embrace ageing gracefully, focusing on hydrating and renewing our skin to maintain radiance and confidence at any age. It’s about looking and feeling our best through dedicated skin care.

    Get Your Glow Ready For Lift-Off
  • Avoid These Trends

    19 October 2023

    The world wide web can be the wild, wild west when it comes to skincare advice. From skinfluencers with millions of followers to #skintok trends with millions of views, it can be tricky to figure out what’s fact versus fiction and, more importantly, what really works for your skin as opposed to what just works for a viral reel.

    Ten Skincare Trends to Steer Clear Of
  • Online Skin Shop October 2023 Newsletter

    11 October 2023

    In the realm of anti-ageing, the focus isn't on attempting to reverse the sands of time. Instead, it's about wholeheartedly embracing the journey of each passing year and nurturing our skin with devoted care. It's a commitment to ensuring that regardless of our age, we continue to exude radiance and confidence, looking and feeling our absolute best.

    Bring Your A-Game to Anti-Ageing
  • New Hydration Superhero

    28 September 2023

    There’s a new hydration superhero in the skincare industry’s arsenal and it’s the ingredient that’s seen a 120% increase in Google searches over the past year.

    Must-Have Hydration Tip
  • Online Skin Shop September 2023 Newsletter

    13 September 2023

    In our September edition, we share with you that acne, whether nodular, hormonal, cystic, or fungal, arises from causes like inflammation and blocked hair follicles. Its impact extends beyond the skin, often affecting one's self-confidence.

    Want to Break Free from Acne? We Get It...
  • Fungi is Officially Fabulous

    7 September 2023

    When it comes to skincare, experts agree that mushrooms are… MAGIC. Showing up on the labels of more and more cosmetics, face masks, face serums, and other lotions and potions, mushrooms are deservedly having a major moment. What’s the ‘shroom boom’ all about? Have a read…

    Spring Skincare Forecast
  • Online Skin Shop August 2023 Newsletter

    28 August 2023

    As you scroll through endless beauty endorsements on social media, it's hard to discern genuine recommendations from filtered hype. That's why we highlight trustworthy glow-getters that won't let you down after you 'add to cart'.

    Now Trending: Product and Treatments You'll Like, A Lot
  • All Things Algae

    16 August 2023

    With more and more skincare brands tapping into the widely untapped benefits of algae and including one of Mother Nature’s best kept, nutrient-dense secrets in their products, we’re diving into all things Algae – from what it is to what it does – to help your navigate this current skincare trend. And, maybe even give it the green light in your bathroom cabinet.

    Algae: The Leafy Greens your Skincare Needs
  • Online Skin Shop Newsletter August 2023

    8 August 2023

    As summer approaches, we've identified top products and treatments to enhance body confidence for everyone, regardless of age, size, or life stage. Achieving your body goals requires more than just exercise; it's about a holistic approach that focuses on overall well-being, emphasizing progress over perfection.

    Body Confidence: Look and Feel Your Best
  • Is Slugging Your New Skincare Friend?

    27 July 2023

    Amid all the #SkinTok trends and must-try (aka must-buy) skincare hacks being shared by influencers as you scroll, it can be tricky to know what’s just an attention-grabbing gimmick versus what’s actually headline-worthy. Enter ‘slugging’, the skincare trend that’s been hyped up for a while and experts agree is actually, well, worth the hype.

    Slugging: The New TikTok Trend
  • Online Skin Shop July 2023 Mid-Month Newsletter

    25 July 2023

    As each birthday passes, our skin loses volume, but through savvy skincare purchases and treatments, we can restore youthfulness and face each new chapter with confidence.

    Turn Up the Volume: Our Plumping "Playlist"
  • Online Skin Shop July 2023 Newsletter

    11 July 2023

    In this month's issue, our focus is guiding you towards radiant skin and an enhanced skincare regimen, utilizing products that augment inner beauty and treatments that outwardly illuminate.

    Instant Glow Up
    July 2023 Online Skin Shop Newsletter
  • Colostrum, the new skin barrier trend

    6 July 2023

    According to those in the know, “Colostrum is a cross between a skin-barrier-repair product and a collagen stimulator.” To cut to the chase – it’s a hard-working, high-achiever when it comes to repairing the skin and boosting collagen production.

  • Online Shop June 2023 Newsletter

    26 June 2023

    Edging towards 50? Keep your eyes youthful and defy age's telltale signs with the right knowledge and care, no matter how many birthday candles you've blown out!

    All Eyes On... Your Eyes
    Online Skin Shop June 2023 Newsletter
  • Treat your skin this winter

    22 June 2023

    There’s a lot to love about Winter, from the perfect excuse to order a hot chocolate to chunky knits and gotta-have-it retail therapy to warm up your wardrobe but… what’s not to love about the colder months? The dry, tight, itchy skin that often comes along with it. So, to help you ditch the dry skin drama and really love the skin you’re in this season, we’ve put together a few easy to implement skin-saving strategies…

    Give dry skin the cold shoulder this winter
  • Your Skin Barrier 101

    1 June 2023

    If you’ve got yourself a decent ‘morning and night’ skincare regime and aren’t a stranger to a chemical peel once in a while, you’ve probably heard the term ‘Skin Barrier’. This month's article is all about keeping your skin barrier healthy.

    Healthy Boundaries
  • Online Skin Shop Mid-Month Newsletter May 2023

    25 May 2023

    Our May 2023 Newsletter edition is about Inflammation. Why you get it, what it is doing to your skin, and how you can manage it.

    Inflammation 101 and How To Beat It
  • Online Skin Shop Newsletter May 2023

    12 May 2023

    From boosting your immune system, to jump-staring your metabolism and getting your glow on from the inside out, we're all about giving you what you need to achieve holistic health and wellness because when it comes to seeing big changes, it's all the small, daily habits that make a big difference. 

    Health Is Wealth - Three Ways to Invest in You this Month
  • All about Niacinamide

    11 May 2023

    The current darling of the beauty industry, Niacinamide, is having a moment. One of the most hyped-up skincare ingredients of 2023 it’s being hailed by those in the know as “an all-round crowd pleaser”. But does it deserve the hype? Here’s our take on it...

    Let's talk about Niacinamide
  • Online Skin Shop Newsletter April 2023

    25 April 2023

    Orange-peel skin? cottage cheese? hail damage? There’s a good chance you’ll be one of the 80% of women who experience it at some point in your life. And, the fact is, many of us if we’re being really honest, would rather be cellulite-free. So, if you’d like all the info on how to de-dimple the dimples, then this article is for you.

    Treating Cellulite - Three things that can make a difference
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