11.Do you know the causes of Acne?
Acne Problems, Cures and Treatments:
- The two main causes of acne are blockage of the pores and bacterial growth. Oil and cells get trapped below the surface of the skin, creating a growth medium for the bacteria. White cells migrate to the site to fight the bacteria, in turn releasing chemicals that lead to swelling, redness and further attraction of white cells (inflammation). The result is a dilated pore, filled with white cells, inflammatory and anti-inflammatory chemicals and bacteria. This is the content of the acne pimple.Pathogenesis - summaryAcne is a complex disease with multifactorial pathogenesis and considerable variation in severity.Therapy such as the Clarity range by Lamelle is directed at multiple factors and modified for individual patients. Acne is a disorder of the sebaceous follicles, which are special units located on the face, neck, chest, upper back, and upper arms. These units consist of relatively large sebaceous glands associated with small hair follicles.Acne arises from the interaction of 4 factors:
- Comedogenesis—. The first sign of altered keratinization is a blackhead which consists of keratinized material and lipid material. This Abnormal Keratinization results in formation of keratin plugs which blocks off the drainage of the sebaceous follicles, leading to accumulation of inflammatory debris and increased bacterial numbers of P acnes.
- Excessive sebum production caused by androgenic hormonal stimulation of sebaceous glands at puberty or later (hormonal triggers).
- Proliferation of P acnes in this blocked follicle.
- Inflammation is a direct or indirect result of P acnes proliferation. Rupture of the inflammatory follicle onto the skin results in the redness around the acne lesion . Extension of inflammation into the skin results in formation of the inflammatory lesions of acne —papules, pustules, and nodules. The result is redness and pus.