Screen Time and Your Skin: Why blue light is raising red flags

Screen Time and Your Skin: Why blue light is raising red flags

SCREEN TIME & YOUR SKIN: Why blue light is raising red flags

With the average adult picking up their phone 150 times a day and over 300 million meetings recorded over Zoom last year, our increased screen time isn’t just adding up to high screen time reports on our smartphones; it’s affecting our skins. 

Don’t just take our word for it, scientists agree

Recent scientific studies definitively link the blue light emitted by our beloved desktop and hand-held screens to the breakdown in our skin’s collagen production. A go-slow in the collagen production department means while you’re scrolling and deciding whether it’s a ‘camera on’ or ‘camera off’ kind of day, you’re hitting fast-forward on the premature signs of ageing like wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots. 

Eight hours of screen time is equivalent to 20 minutes in the sun

Blue light has more energy than other colours in the visible spectrum, making it more likely to cause damage to our cells. Blue light also referred to as High Energy Visible (HEV) light, is emitted by our electronic devices. Besides being the culprit behind eye strain and dryness, headaches, dizziness and nausea, HEV rays can compromise our skin’s barrier – releasing free radicals and triggering oxidative stress. That’s the bad news; the good news is that you can protect your complexion against blue light damage by screen-proofing your skincare regime.

SPF stands for Screen Protection Factor, too

Things like using night mode on your phone, tablet or computer and taking regular breaks from your favourite screen can help protect your complexion. Still, your best defence is a good quality, broad-spectrum SPF that contains ingredients like zinc oxide, which deflect visible light rays. Add an antioxidant like Ferulic Acid, which neutralises free radicals, and you’ll really be bringing your ‘A’ game to the battle against blue light.

More than skin deep, blue light affects your beauty sleep

Artificial light suppresses melatonin production in our body, and melatonin is what we need to sleep well. So, suppose you’ve replaced a couple of pages of a must-read bestseller with a couple of hours of scrolling social media. In that case, you’re not only losing precious hours of shut-eye that your skin needs to repair itself, but you’re also affecting your ability to fall asleep when you decide it is, in fact, bedtime. Experts strongly suggest ditching all screens at least an hour before bedtime to ensure sweet dreams and skin that wakes up restored and refreshed. 

Face it, your skin needs a screen protector as much as your phone does

At Skin Renewal, we have a wide range of multi-tasking SPFs, supplements and antioxidant-rich products. You can incorporate these into your daily skincare regime, whatever your skin type or current skin concerns, to face any screen with the peace of mind that you’re protected – inside out and outside in. Speak to your therapist the next time you pop in for a treatment, or check out our Online Skin Shop to scroll through our selection of ‘screensavers’.

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