Bursting out of your skinny jeans?
As much as fashion can be a blessing, sometimes it can be a terrible curse! We all know that skinny jeans are now in fashion – in fact anything “skinny” seems to be the order of the day! Unfortunately in South Africa we just came out of winter and winter has a tendency to transform our slim legs and flat stomachs into “marshmallows” Those wonderful skinny jeans that made you look quite sexy 3 to 4 months ago, all of a sudden have shrunk and are not only too short and too tight, but make you look like you’ve got a permanent lifebelt attached to you.
Don’t despair! Although the sight in the mirror can be very depressing, it’s not too late to do something about it. What happened to your body the past few months is very normal. Cold weather causes the body to crave extra calories in order to produce extra heat, so we tend to eat more carbohydrates and comfort food. Coupled with that we tend to dream up all kinds of excuses not to go to gym during winter, so our normal calorie expenditure is reduced, leading to a steady increase in water retention, body weight and that dreaded thing called resistant fat !
There is no single solution to combat resistant fat. No matter how much you exercise, eat healthily and maintain a healthy weight, localized fat pockets still develop and refuse to budge and although it is more prominent in women, men do not escape the scourge.
At Skin & Body Renewal we are excited to offer the next step in multi-modality therapy in treating resistant fat. We call it 3 D Body Renewal. By carefully combining internationally recognized body sculpting techniques with a successful medical weight loss program called Body Renewal Lite ; we have developed a combination of non-invasive therapies to battle resistant fat that is bringing lipo- sculpture therapy to a whole new level. One can expect a weight loss of 8 to 12 kgs in the first month if the program is strictly adhered to.
At Body Renewal, since we have incorporated Body Renewal Lite into our body shaping treatments, hundreds of patients have successfully lost an average of 6 to15 kgs in the first 6 weeks and have dramatically changed the shape of their bodies